China Tech 101: AliExpress
AliExpress is a cross-border retail platform for small-scale merchants to sell to international online buyers at competitive factory prices.








ABOUT AliExpress

AliExpress is a cross-border retail platform for small-scale merchants to sell to international online buyers at competitive factory prices. 

AliExpress is most popular for its factory-priced products.

Currently available in over 220 regions, AliExpress is most popular in Russia, the U.S., Brazil, and Spain. Its top-selling category is with technology products.

150 million updated in 2020
Bargain buyers who prioritise value and fast delivery over brand loyalty
Small and medium-size manufacturers or merchants in China, though offshore ones are welcome as well.
English Russian Portugese Spanish French and 13 other languages


You may become a buyer or a seller on AliExpress to get started.

AliExpress buyer:

Create an AliExpress buyer account

Browse products from 220 regions

Unlike most e-commerce sites in China, AliExpress supports e-mail login. 

AliExpress Seller:

1. Create an AliExpress seller account

AliExpress supports sellers internationally.

2. Verify business information
3. Wait to receive a verification email in 2-5 business days
4. Set up a new store

AliExpress has a dedicated portal for sellers.

With a low-commission of 5-8%, AliExpress sets a low entry bar for manufacturers and merchants to sell at often below market rate. The platform boasts of a short timeline of setting up new stores. Read AliExpress's guide on becoming a seller on AliExpress. 

Business Requirements

VAT Number

Company operating license

ID number of company legal representative

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