About Fedoma Jewellery
Featured on Vogue, Fedoma Jewellery is a jewellery label with growing popularity for its niche, premium quality, Byzantine Empire-inspired craftsmanship. An influencer’s favourite, Fedoma has an Instagram follower count of 26,500 with robust online sales and in-store availability at Harvey Nichols around the world.
Location: Toronto, Canada
Industry: eCommerce/Fashion
Original CMS: Shopify
Responsive Fedoma Jewellery site
Like most young luxury consumer brands, Fedoma sees great potentials in China and has goals to expand its brand presence onshore to win the heart of local shoppers and influencers in the world's fastest-growing consumer market.
As a start, Fedoma has organically grown a sizeable following on Xiaohongshu and WeChat.
A Xiaohongshu-endorsed influencer writes,
“I often get asked about my pieces from Fedoma… it’s a secret find.”
With a budding presence on China’s social media, Fedoma’s official site - often loading at 29.5s in China - needed some catching up.
Powering Fedoma’s site is Shopify, the fast-growing online store builder and the most searched e-commerce solution. As of 2020, Shopify has a market share of 31% in the United States (BuiltWith, 2020).
Unfortunately, similar to other website builders, Fedoma Jewellery's shopify site didn’t work off-the-shelf for China.
The average Shopify site takes 30s to load, and often incompletely.
Read more about Shopify in China
The Objective
Driving revenue with a luxury, fully-functional, cross-border e-commerce website.
The Results
After engaging the Chinafy team and a quick 1-week set-up process, the Fedoma Jewellery website went from loading incompletely at 29.5 seconds to fully loaded in just 5 seconds with a positive impact across bounce rates and online transactions.
Transaction pages are fully functional after Chinafy.
Before Chinafy: 29.5s
After Chinafy: 5s
See a preview loaded in Guangzhou before Chinafy (left) and after Chinafy (right)
Fedoma recognises that site accessibility is instrumental to a pleasant shopping experience. After Chinafy, Fedoma writes on Xiaohongshu,
Our official site is now loading within the blink of an eye, there’s no waiting time at all.
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